Demerara 1823 Revolt

 Demerara 1823 Revolt

Explain the significance or consequences of the Demerara 1823 revolt. ( 12 marks)

The Demerara Revolt had many consequences for the enslaved that were involved and also for John Smith, the missionary from London. The following consequences for the enslaved Africans; One hundred (100) enslaved Africans were killed, their revolt pored Detrimental to the cause of Emancipation. John Smith ( white missionary) was arrested.

One hundred (100) enslaved Africans were killed in this revolt because they damaged many Machineries, burnt down cane fields, and killed livestock. The Slave masters killed the enslaved as punishment for their actions as well as to send a message to other enslaved to not dare revolt or they’ll loose their lives as a result of their action. The enslaved who remained were sentenced to hard labor in chains, flogged mercilessly by their fellow Africans and many slave hugs were burnt.

Another consequence of the Demerara revolt was that it pored detrimental to the cause of Emancipation. Since the enslaved revolted and burnt cane fields and damaged Machineries in the process, it painted them as being irresponsible and as salvages. This made the white in London not want grant the enslaved their Emancipation (freedom) as they thought that the enslaved Africans do not know how to behave and control themselves and that they needed slave masters over them as they were salvages according to the whites.

Lastly, John Smith who was a white missionary from London was arrested and tried for inciting the enslaved. Since John Smith was a missionary, he was consistently preaching about love, Freedom and equality and the enslaved listened to him because of his Status ( a white missionary). This in so many ways fueled the enslaved to revolt as they became more knowledgeable about their right to be free according to John’s preaching of the Gospel. The death of John Smith made the whites in London outraged at the whites in Demerara because they killed one of their own, John Smith who was white as they are.

Conclusively, although Demerara revolt had many consequences for the enslaved Africans, it also had consequences for the white missionary John Smith. The whites of Demerara did not care about whether if it’s a man of their own race, as long as they and a part to play in the revolt. They punished anyone who were involved.


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